Over the past couple of weeks the Lord has really been helping me as I try to work with Joe Keim and Mission to Amish People. I was prepared to just do mundane tasks if need be, but so far my time here has been far from boring.
There are many different aspects to the ministry and I have helped in most of them. I have done anything from putting Bible lesson data into the computer, to working in the market, to taking girls to town or pick them up from work. Because I am more interested in working one on one with people, Joe has tried to get me more involved with the people part of the ministry.
I am living in an apartment building called New Beginnings that just opened up for former Amish girls to live while they get on their feet in the English world. Right now there are 3 girls living here besides Velda, the resident mom, and me. I am living with a girl named Mia who has a 7 month old baby. My prayer has been that I will be able to live in such a way that Mia and the other girls that live here can see Christ through me.
I have really been able to connect with Esther. I was able to make supper for her one night and she commented that she had not had that much food in a long time. Last week was her birthday so I organized a surprise birthday party for her to show her that we care about her.
Since I have been here I have learned things about the Amish that are just so depressing. Some things I already knew but get to see it more first hand. Mia told me the one day that she wished I could feel how trapped they feel. Everything is just based on works and many feel it is really hard to measure up to the standard that is “required” to go to Heaven.
Although there are times when I feel inadequate for the job I have been given, I know that I am in the center of God’s Will and therefore God will make me adequate. I can’t do the job on my own and thankfully I don’t have to. God is doing amazing things among the Amish and I am excited to see what all God will do.