From June 17, 2019

Greetings! Thank you to those who have been praying for me over the last several months. I still have not found out where I am going yet. There are still some details that are being worked out and I am still checking into areas that are possibilities. One thing that the Lord has been helping … Read more

From March 8, 2019

Many of you are probably wondering, “What in the world has Stephanie been up to?”. Well, for the past two months I have been living at home, working a job, and trying to plan for my next step in Amish ministry. One thing the Lord has been teaching me more about is patience. Sometimes I … Read more

From December 25, 2018

I know this is a bit late but I did want to give a quick update. The last couple weeks of my internship I was able to spend time with the girls. The one girl invited me to go with her and a few other girls to a volleyball game in Millersburg. It was so … Read more

From December 10, 2018

It is hard to believe that my time here in Ohio is almost finished. It feels like I just arrived, and yet three months are almost gone. It will definitely be bittersweet the day I leave. A week ago I held a Christmas party at my apartment. There were seven of us altogether and we … Read more

From November 22, 2018

God has been doing some amazing things over the past couple months. I have been learning a lot about the Amish culture and areas of ministry that may be needed for ministry among them. The more I learn about them the more I realize how much of a harvest field they are. The ministry with … Read more

From October 9, 2018

Over the past couple of weeks the Lord has really been helping me as I try to work with Joe Keim and Mission to Amish People. I was prepared to just do mundane tasks if need be, but so far my time here has been far from boring. There are many different aspects to the … Read more

From August 18, 2018

I am excited to share how the Lord has been leading me over the past several months. The Lord opened the doors for me to join Hope International Missions and they have been helping me to stay focused in my missionary preparation. After I graduated from Union Bible College in May, the wheels began to … Read more

The next several posts will be a couple years old because they were posted to Facebook originally, but I still want people to see them and be able to see what has been happening during my ministry. I am excited to go back over these posts and see how far God has brought me.